Offut Lake

Management District

We are Offut Lake residents dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and resources of Offut Lake.

Why contract for professional services to create an Integrated Vegetation Aquatic Management Plan (IAVMP)?

An IAVMP has many parts. The main purpose of an IAVMP is to suggest options for a draft work plan that is based on a current scientific study about a lake. It replaces all anecdotal assumptions with scientific information gathered from a months-long study and compares that data to official historical recorded data. A completed IAVMP does not mandate any specific course of action. For example: the IAVMP does not mandate any specific weed management technique.

If there are no mandates what does the IAVMP accomplish?

The IAVMP provides the scientific information and analysis for all facets of the lake’s ecological environment and forms the foundation for the lake’s work plan through this process:

1.       The IAVMP contractor studies the lake over the months of the IAVMP contract

2.       The IAVMP contractor presents the collected data to the Steering Committee and all Lake Management District members at public meetings and makes recommendations using best practices  for dealing with any problematic issues found during the study.

3.       The LMD members at these public meetings will provide information and feedback to the contractor experts on the problems/issues they see with the lake ecosystem.

4.      Steering Committee will:

  1. Review the information, recommendations and best practices with the contractor team
  2. Decide which options fit the OLMD mission and values
  3. Prioritize problematic issues
  4. Look at financial constraints (prioritize them according to the budget)

5.       The IAVMP contractor and the Steering Committee will create a draft work plan

6.       The draft work plan will be shared with the County to ensure that it is in accordance with applicable rules and regulations

7.       The IAVMP contractor and the Steering Committee will hold public meetings to present the draft work plan and gather public input

8.       The work plan will include public education

9.       The Steering Committee and the County will finalize and implement the work plan within the confines of the OLMD budget.

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