Offut Lake Management District’s (OLMD) first Annual Meeting and Potluck is on Saturday, September 28th, 2024, from Noon-3pm at the Bronson County Beach Club
(4122 119th Avenue SE, Tenino, WA 98589).
Use the RSVP link below to sign-up for the Potluck.
• Share food with neighbors at the potluck
• Receive update about our accomplishments
• Learn about the ongoing Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan (IAVMP)
• Present a State of the Lake report
• Hear a Guest Speaker
• Provide a Q and A time
We hope to see you there!
Potluck (Bring food to share based on last name)
A-H Salads
I-P Main Dish
Q-Z Desserts
Tableware and drinks provided
Click this LINK to sign-up for the Potluck.