Offut Lake

Management District

We are Offut Lake residents dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and resources of Offut Lake.

Family Recreation

Time spent on the lake with parents and grandparents in the natural setting of Offut Lake, creates memories to last a lifetime. Through cooperative weed management and water quality control generations to come will still be able to enjoy the lake.


Swimming in Offut Lake is a time-honored tradition by many lake residents and their guests and boat launch visitors. Learning  to swim in the safe waters of Offut Lake continues to be a  fun summer activity. And, the Polar Bear Plunge at Offut Lake Resort is a truly invigorating experience!

Natural Beauty

With Mt. Rainier in the distance and an abundance of shoreline wetlands, Offut lake is a haven and nesting sanctuary for bald eagles, herons, ospreys, cormorants and other duck species, Canadian geese, red winged blackbirds, wood peckers, and otters to name a few.


Exploring the shoreline by kayak or paddleboard is a favorite recreational activity for young and old alike. Investigating the beaver dams along the shoreline, viewing wildlife from the middle of the lake, or just enjoying the quiet of a peaceful sunny day on the lake are all here to enjoy.

Beach Fires

Roasting hot dogs over an open fire or making smores as the day comes to an end, or just sitting and thinking of the people who might have sat in the same spot and enjoyed the many gifts from Offut Lake, are priceless moments.


Rainbow Trout and Bass are waiting for residents and visitors alike. Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife have been stocking Offut Lake for over two decades. A fishing dock at the  Offut Lake Resort and a Public Boat Launch offer excellent fishing opportunities for the public at large.