As of November 23, we are now recording lake water temperatures in addition to the lake levels. This information is uploaded to the website: Lake Observations by Citizen Scientists & Satellites (LOCSS). The LOCSS project seeks to better understand how the quantity of water in lakes is changing.
We all know that the lake level rises during the winter and lowers during the summer. By participating in this global measurement program we are collecting data that may prove useful in scientific analysis of our lake. And the best part… it is FREE. Our dedicated volunteer and Steering Committee member, Dale Kinney, records the temps and levels and enters that data into the LOCSS website.
Here is a short video that explains the LOCSS website/program: LINK
We take our readings according to the schedule of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite. This satellite monitors the lake level from space. You can learn more about the SWOT here: LINK
Below are a few screenshots of recent Offut Lake levels and temperatures. Use this LINK to see the complete data for our lake.