Offut Lake

Management District

We are Offut Lake residents dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and resources of Offut Lake.


Herrera Environmental Consultants were on our lake on July 31st and August 1st. If you noticed a small silver inflatable boat with two people, that was them! Eliza Spears, PWS (Professional Wetland Scientist), and Nick Bartish, Ecologist, were surveying our lake and collecting data. They were criss-crossing our lake for two days using sonar to map plant density. They also took rake samples to identify plant species present.

This was the first of Herrera’s multiple visits to Offut Lake as part of their scientific study of our lake. This study forms the foundation of our Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan (IAVMP).

Herrera meets with our OLMD Steering Committee on August 6th and will hold a public meeting in September. The purpose the public meeting is to gather input, based on the research data, that will help us formulate our plan for addressing any identified lake issues. Once we have a date and venue set, we notify everyone. We WANT your input.

The $30,000 Ecology Grant and your Offut Lake Assessments (about $17,000) are funding this required scientific study.

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