January Steering Committee Meeting
The steering committee meets the first Wednesday of each month via Zoom. Click on icon to join the meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83082991539?pwd=ZVJQNG42a3AzSUtUUnFuZUNpQXJ6Zz09
The steering committee meets the first Wednesday of each month via Zoom. Click on icon to join the meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83082991539?pwd=ZVJQNG42a3AzSUtUUnFuZUNpQXJ6Zz09
The steering committee meets generally meets the first Wednesday of each month via Zoom. (This February meeting is moved to […]
The steering committee meets the first Wednesday of each month via Zoom. Click on icon to join the meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83082991539?pwd=ZVJQNG42a3AzSUtUUnFuZUNpQXJ6Zz09
The steering committee usually meets the first Wednesday of each month via Zoom, although the April meeting has been moved […]